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Protect Your Fiddle Leaf Fig from Sunburn and Root Rot

Have you ever noticed your Fiddle Leaf Fig tree looking a bit like the surface of Mars? If you’re seeing lots of craters and pock marks, or if the leaves are curling around the edges, it might be time to check the humidity levels. It’s important to make sure that your climate is suitable for growing a Fiddle Leaf Fig outdoors. situational sun exposure, optimal temperature and humidity levels and regular misting of new leaf buds are all important factors in ensuring a healthy Fiddle Leaf Fig. Read on to learn more about the care of your Fiddle Leaf Fig!

Lighting Requirements for Monstera Deliciosa and Fiddle Leaf Fig Plants

When it comes to planting trees, the location plays a crucial role in their growth and development. If you plan on placing your tree in front of a southern exposure, it is important to note that it will be exposed to many hours of direct sunlight. However, this sudden change can be harmful as the leaves may burn and form brown scorch marks if they are given too much sunlight too quickly. Therefore, it is recommended that you slowly acclimate your tree to its new environment by gradually increasing its exposure to sunlight over time. This will ensure healthy growth and prevent any damage caused by excessive sun exposure.

Another plant that requires specific lighting conditions is the fiddle leaf fig. These plants need a lot of indirect light and some direct sun, but it’s important to note that the afternoon sun from south or west-facing windows can be too strong for them. To ensure your fiddle leaf fig thrives, you should aim to replicate the filtered sunlight found in its natural habitat – just like how the sun filters down from dense jungle canopies. This means providing good quality sunlight in your home while also protecting it from any harsh rays that could damage its leaves.

The Ficus lyrata, or fiddle-leaf fig, is a popular choice for indoor plants due to its tolerance of low-light conditions and ability to thrive in average or above-average office temperatures. These trees are known for their stunning appearance with large, dark green glossy leaves that add a touch of elegance to any room. If you plan on growing this type of tree indoors, it’s important to note that they can grow up to six feet in height if given the proper care and attention. So be sure to provide enough space for your fiddle-leaf fig tree as it grows over time.

Both Monstera Deliciosa and Fiddle Leaf Fig plants require indirect, bright light to thrive. This means that they should be placed near a window where they can receive enough sunlight without being exposed to direct rays. An east-facing window that is free from drafts is the ideal location for these plants as it provides the perfect balance of light and temperature. By placing your Monstera Deliciosa or Fiddle Leaf Fig in this type of environment, you can ensure that they receive the right amount of sunlight needed for healthy growth and development.


  • Location plays a crucial role in the growth and development of trees.
  • Fiddle leaf figs require a lot of indirect light and some direct sun, but afternoon sun from south or west-facing windows can be too strong for them.
  • Ficus lyrata can grow up to six feet in height if given the proper care and attention.
  • Monstera Deliciosa and Fiddle Leaf Fig plants require indirect, bright light to thrive.
  • An east-facing window that is free from drafts is the ideal location for these plants.

Watering and Misting Tips for Fiddle Leaf Fig Trees

  • Watering your plants is just as important as providing them with adequate sunlight and temperature. One plant that requires specific watering conditions is the fiddle leaf fig. These plants have weekly waterings that allow their soil to dry out between waterings, which helps prevent root rot. It’s important to note that during the winter months, you should decrease your watering frequency to avoid overwatering and potential damage to the tree’s roots.

To ensure proper watering for your fiddle leaf fig, you should:

  1. Check its soil moisture regularly using a moisture meter or by inserting your finger about an inch deep into the soil.
  2. If it feels dry, then it’s time for a watering session.
  3. When watering, make sure to saturate the entire root ball until excess water drains out of the pot’s bottom holes.

Proper watering techniques are essential for maintaining healthy fiddle leaf fig trees in both indoor and outdoor environments. By following these tips and adjusting your care routine accordingly based on seasonal changes, you can enjoy beautiful and thriving fiddle leaf figs in your home or garden.

  • Misting can be beneficial for new leaf buds on fiddle leaf figs. However, it’s important to only mist the new buds and not the entire plant as too much water can cause damage.

To mist your fiddle leaf fig:

  1. Give your new baby buds a good mist a few times a week.
  2. Use a soft cloth to gently soak up any excess water if needed.

By following these guidelines, you can help promote healthy growth and keep your fiddle leaf fig looking its best.

How to Prevent and Treat Sunburn and Root Rot in Fiddle Leaf Fig Plants

If you’re a fiddle leaf fig plant owner, you may have noticed brown, leathery marks or splotches on your plant’s leaves. This is a common issue that occurs when the fiddle leaf fig gets sunburned. Sunburn happens when the plant is exposed to too much direct sunlight, causing damage to its leaves. In severe cases, the entire leaf may die off and fall from the tree.

Can Burnt Fiddle Leaf Fig Leaves Recover?

Many people wonder if burnt fiddle leaf fig leaves can recover. Unfortunately, once a portion of the leaf or an entire leaf is damaged by sunburn, it usually won’t recover. Therefore, prevention is key when it comes to protecting your fiddle-leaf fig from sun damage.

How to Prevent Sunburn in Fiddle Leaf Fig Plants

To prevent sunburn in your fiddle-leaf fig plant, ensure that it receives indirect light and some direct sunlight but avoid placing it in areas where there’s too much direct sunlight such as south or west-facing windows during afternoon hours. If you do notice signs of sun damage on your plant, such as brown spots or splotches, you should remove the damaged leaves and relocate your plant to a shadier spot.

Can You Revive a Dead Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant?

But what if your fiddle-leaf fig has already died? Can you bring it back to life? This is a question that many plant owners ask, and the answer is not straightforward. However, with proper care and attention, it’s possible to revive your dead fiddle-leaf fig.

How to Treat Root Rot in Fiddle Leaf Fig Plants

Another common issue that fiddle leaf fig owners face is root rot. Root rot occurs when the roots of the plant are overwatered and become waterlogged, leading to decay and ultimately death of the plant. If you’re wondering if a fiddle leaf fig can recover from root rot, the answer is yes! With enough time and patience, your plant can make a full recovery.

It’s important to note that prevention is key when it comes to protecting your fiddle-leaf fig from root rot. One effective way to prevent this issue is by ensuring proper drainage for your plant. Make sure that your pot has drainage holes at the bottom so excess water can escape, preventing waterlogging in the soil.

Steps to Help a Fiddle Leaf Fig Recover from Root Rot

If you suspect that your fiddle-leaf fig has root rot, there are steps you can take to help it recover. First, remove any dead or decaying leaves or stems from the plant. Then carefully remove as much affected soil as possible without damaging healthy roots using sterilized scissors or pruning.

Caring for a Fiddle-Leaf Fig Plant

Maintaining the right temperature is also crucial for a fiddle-leaf fig’s growth and development. These plants prefer warmer temperatures of at least 16 Celsius and should be kept away from cold drafts, such as those caused by radiators or air conditioners. If you notice drooping leaves or yellowing foliage on your plant, it could be an indication that it’s not getting enough humidity. To combat this issue, consider sitting your fiddle-leaf fig on a tray of pebbles filled with water or misting it occasionally to increase the surrounding moisture levels.

In addition to providing adequate lighting, watering, and temperature conditions for your fiddle-leaf fig plant, regular maintenance is also essential for keeping it healthy. This includes:

  • Pruning dead leaves and stems
  • Wiping down its leaves with a damp cloth to remove any dust buildup

By following these tips and guidelines for caring for your fiddle-leaf fig plant, you can ensure that it thrives in both indoor and outdoor environments.

Ensuring the Right Temperature for Outdoor Fiddle-Leaf Fig Plants

When it comes to growing a fiddle-leaf fig outdoors, temperature is another crucial factor to consider.

Suitable Climate

It’s important to ensure that your climate is suitable for growing this plant outdoors. As a tropical plant, the fiddle-leaf fig prefers warm temperatures and high humidity levels. However, extreme heat can also be damaging to the plant.

Temperature Range

During the day, temperatures should not exceed 95 degrees Fahrenheit or so. And at night, temperatures should not drop below 50 degrees Fahrenheit as this can cause stress on the plant and even lead to leaf drop.

High Heat and Low Humidity

If you live in an area with high heat and low humidity levels during summer months, it may be best to keep your fiddle-leaf fig indoors where you can regulate its environment more easily. Alternatively, you can create shade for your outdoor plants using umbrellas or other shading devices.

By paying attention to temperature conditions and making adjustments as needed throughout the year, you can help your fiddle-leaf fig thrive in an outdoor environment.

How to Identify and Increase Humidity Levels for Your Fiddle-Leaf Fig

Humidity is another important factor to consider when it comes to caring for your fiddle-leaf fig. These plants thrive in high humidity environments, and if the air around them is too dry, they can become stressed and even develop health issues. But how do you know if your fiddle-leaf fig is low humidity?

One way to tell is by looking at the leaves. If they look like the surface of Mars with lots of craters and pockmarks, this could be a sign that your plant needs more humidity. Another indicator of low humidity is curling around the edges of the leaves.

To increase the humidity levels around your fiddle-leaf fig, there are several things you can do:

  • Use a humidifier in the room where your plant is located.
  • Place a tray filled with water near the plant.
  • Mist its leaves occasionally using a spray bottle.

It’s important to provide adequate lighting, watering, temperature control, and proper humidity levels for your fiddle-leaf fig to ensure its health and longevity.


fiddle leaf figs are an excellent addition to any home or office. A properly taken care of fiddle leaf fig can reach up to six feet in height and will have huge, dark green, glossy leaves. Fiddle leaf figs require indirect, bright light and some direct sun, however too much direct sun can result in sunburn and brown scorch marks. They should be given lots of humidity, warm temperatures, and have weekly waterings that allow their soil to dry out between waterings. With the right amount of care, patience, and time, your fiddle leaf fig can make a full recovery and be a beautiful addition to your home or office.