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Troubleshooting Yellow Leaves on your Pothos

Many of us have seen yellow leaves on our Pothos plants and we know it’s a sign that something is wrong. But what does it mean, and how can we fix it? Read on to learn the causes of yellow leaves on your Pothos plant and the best ways to prevent and treat it. We’ll talk about how to create air space around the roots, how to trim back the foliage, how to adjust watering schedules and how to filter the water you give your Pothos. Let’s get started!

Reviving a Pothos Plant with Yellow Leaves

If you’ve noticed yellow leaves appearing on your pothos, don’t panic. While yellow leaves can be a sign of trouble, there are several things you can do to help your plant recover. The most common causes of yellowing pothos leaves are inadequate light exposure, over-watering or under-watering, nutrient deficiency in the soil, and unfiltered water. By making some simple adjustments to your care routine, you should be able to get your pothos back on track in no time.

One of the most important steps in caring for a pothos with yellow leaves is to remove any leaves that are beyond saving. Yellow leaves are unlikely to recover, so you may want to tug gently on them and they will fall off if they’re ready. This will help the plant concentrate on growing and maintaining healthy foliage. It’s also important to consider how often you’re watering your pothos plant; too little or too much water can both cause yellowing leaves.

Misting and Lighting Requirements for Pothos Plants

Another aspect of pothos care is whether or not to mist the leaves. While some houseplants thrive on regular misting, this isn’t the case for pothos plants. As a rule of thumb, you should avoid spraying water directly on your pothos leaves as this can cause more harm than good. If you’re looking for ways to increase humidity around your plant during the winter months, placing it on a pebble tray is usually enough to do the trick. Additionally, misting your plant won’t help keep it adequately watered or in optimal humidity levels; in fact, it may even introduce pests onto the foliage.

When it comes to light requirements, pothos plants can thrive in almost any lighting condition. However, if you’re looking for a houseplant that grows well in low light situations, jade pothos is your best bet. Golden and variegated varieties of pothos will change to a solid green color when exposed to low light; additionally, their leaves may be quickly burned by direct sunlight.

When it comes to watering, bottom watering is the best way to keep your pothos plant healthy. Bottom watering helps prevent leaf spots that can occur from splashing water, which is especially true for jade plants. Furthermore, bottom watering ensures that the soil stays evenly hydrated and helps reduce the risk of root rot.

Tips for Keeping Your Pothos Plant Healthy

Finally, it’s important to consider the temperature in the room where your pothos is located. Pothos plants are tropical plants and prefer temperatures that range from 65-75°F (18-24°C). Exposure to extreme temperatures can cause the leaves of your plant to turn yellow or brown. If you live in an area with cold winters, be sure to keep your pothos away from windows and drafty areas. In addition, too much or low-quality fertilization can also lead to yellowing leaves on a pothos plant. A good rule of thumb is to fertilize every two weeks during spring and summer months using a diluted liquid fertilizer; however, you should avoid fertilizing during winter when growth slows down significantly. Lastly, make sure that your fertilizer contains nitrogen as this will help encourage healthy foliage growth on your pothos plant.

When faced with yellowing leaves, curling inwards, and drooping or crisping on your pothos plant, the most likely culprit is under-watering. The solution is to give your pothos plant a generous drink of water and then monitor the soil moisture levels. If the soil remains dry for too long, it’s time to water again.

How to Avoid Overwatering Your Pothos

Another common cause of yellowing pothos leaves is overwatering. When the top 25% of the soil is dry, you should only water your Pothos. If left in soggy soil for too long, your pothos may start to develop root rot and this can be fatal for the plant. The soil should be damp but not soggy; if it feels too wet when you touch it, hold off on watering until it’s dry again. To check if your plant needs more water or less, feel the top layer of potting mix with your finger before deciding whether to add more or not. Additionally, consider using a moisture meter as this will help you determine when it’s time to give your pothos a drink and when it’s best to hold off on watering until later on.

Saving a Pothos Plant from Root Rot without Repotting

When dealing with root rot, you may need to repot your pothos plant if the roots are too far gone. However, if you don’t want to repot, there are some steps you can take to save your plant from root rot without changing the pot. First and foremost, trim back any foliage at approximately the same rate as the amount of roots that were removed (for example; if 13 roots were removed, then trim back 13 leaves). Then discard any remaining soil in the pot and wash it thoroughly with a bleach solution to kill off any bugs that may have been present. Once this is done, dip the roots in a fungicide solution before planting them again in fresh soil to prevent re-infection.

How to Fix Overwatering of Houseplants

Can overwatering be fixed? The answer is yes, but it requires a bit of effort on your part. To help fix the problem of overwatering, you should create additional air space around the roots by checking your pot for proper drainage. This will allow oxygen to reach the root zone and keep only healthy roots if you want to remove dead ones. Additionally, don’t let the soil get too dry; rather water it when it’s dry to the touch as this will help prevent further damage from occurring.


Pothos plants can be susceptible to yellow leaves if they are not cared for properly. It’s important to check the soil moisture and adjust your care routine as needed – if the top 25% of the soil is dry, you should water your pothos. If the leaves are already yellow, remove them and adjust your watering schedule. Additionally, bottom watering and avoiding direct sunlight can help to prevent spots, and misting is not necessary. With the right care and attention, your pothos will be healthy and happy.