Are you worried about the health of your beloved fiddle leaf fig? Is it drooping, looking yellow and limp? Don’t worry, you are not alone! Many green thumbs have gone through this and this article is here to help you understand why your plant might have been distressed. Find out what’s causing your plant’s sag and learn how to nurture it back to health!
Why is My Fiddle Leaf Fig Drooping?
If you’ve noticed your fiddle leaf fig plant’s leaves beginning to droop, it could be a sign that the plant is thirsty. Brown leaves are often an indication of overwatering, so if you find this to be the case, it’s best to allow your tree some time for its soil to dry out before providing it with more water.
On the other hand, if you notice that the leaves are drooping and look pale green, then it’s likely due to a lack of water. In this case, your fiddle leaf fig will need more frequent watering in order to keep its leaves from wilting.
However, if the drooping isn’t due to either of these issues, it could be a sign that your Fiddle Leaf fig is top-heavy and needs some help standing up straight. If you’re not regularly rotating it, the plant can become unevenly growing. Our Plant Doctors recommend staking the plant as a temporary solution to help it grow stronger roots and stand up straight.
Caring for a Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant
In some cases, the cause of your fiddle leaf fig’s unhappiness could be due to root rot. Root rot is a fungal infection that can quickly spread to the leaves of your plant if you overwater your pot or allow it to sit in water. One identifiable symptom of this infection is light brown crusting on the outer edges of the leaves. It’s important to act fast and take proper action if you suspect root rot in order for it not to spread further throughout your plant.
Root-bound fiddle leaf figs can also suffer if their roots are too tightly packed in the pot. Fiddle leaf figs prefer to have snug roots, but when they become too compacted, it can be difficult for them to absorb water and nutrients from the soil. Therefore, it’s important to check if your plant is root-bound every few months and repot as needed.
In terms of lighting, do fiddle leaf figs need full sun? He saysiddle leaf figs need lots of indirect light and some direct sun. The afternoon sun from a south- or west-facing window will be too strong. Just like the sun filters down from the jungle’s dense canopy, your fig needs good sun in your home as well.
When it comes to misting your fiddle leaf fig, it is recommended to mist new leaf buds, but only the lead buds and not so much as to drip down the other leaves. Give your new baby buds a good mist a few times a week and use a soft cloth to gently suck up some extra water if you’d like. In dry climates, you can still raise fiddle leaf figs with proper care.
Tips for Proper Care of a Fiddle Leaf Fig
There are a few other causes of drooping fiddle leaf fig leaves to consider. Weak tissue, environmental changes, thirst, root shock, and chemical burn are the most common culprits. Weak tissue could be caused by too much or too little light or water. Environmental changes can occur when a tree is moved from one spot to another suddenly and can take some time for it to adapt. Root shock happens when a tree is repotted into fresh soil and needs more time for its roots to adjust in order for it to start thriving again. Lastly, chemical burn occurs when the plant has been exposed to any harsh chemicals from cleaning products or fertilizers used in the soil that could damage its delicate leaves over time. Knowing what’s causing your plant’s sag will enable you to nurture it back to health so that you can enjoy having this beautiful fiddle leaf fig in your home once again!
When it comes to watering your fiddle leaf fig, one of the best ways to ensure its health is by not overwatering or not allowing for proper drainage. To avoid this, make sure you only water your plant once a week or every 10 days. Fiddle Leaf Figs are used to receiving a huge amount of water with dry spells in between, which is why they thrive in a rainforest-like environment.
When it comes to the amount of light your fiddle leaf fig needs, it can take up to five hours of direct light a day. As per Greenery Unlimited, this type of plant grows best “near south- or west-facing windows, or directly in an east-facing window,” and nothing should block sunlight (such as a building or tree).
That’s why it’s best to place your fiddle leaf fig in front of a window that gets morning or afternoon light, with an unobstructed eastern, western, or southern exposure.
You can also use sheer curtains to filter the light and avoid burning the leaves. If you want to know if your fiddle leaf fig tree needs more sunshine, you can measure the distance between leaves. The leaves of a fiddle that receives plenty of indirect light each day will sprout closer together than those that must rely on sunlight. If your plant is leggy, with long spaces between its leaves, then it may need more sun exposure.
How to Save an Overwatered Fiddle Leaf Fig

If you find that your fiddle leaf fig is overwatered, don’t panic. It’s possible to save your plant if you take the necessary steps to fix it. The first step is to repot the plant in a well-draining container with fresh potting soil. Make sure that any excess water can easily drain from the bottom of the container when you water once and wait until you know that the roots have had a chance to dry out before watering again.
Additionally, if desired, you can add a layer of gravel or drainage rocks to the bottom of your container. This will help ensure that any excess water is able to drain away from the plant’s roots.
The easiest way to tell if your fiddle leaf fig needs water is by looking at the leaves. If they are floppy and not rigid, then it’s an indication that your plant needs some water. Additionally, you can check the top few inches of soil to make sure it has dried out before watering again.

If you notice that your fiddle leaf fig is dropping its leaves, it could be an indication of either overwatering or underwatering. While both cases will show leaf drop, overwatered Fiddles drop their bottom leaves first, whereas a dry Fiddle will drop leaves from anywhere on the plant.
When it comes to how often you should water your fiddle leaf fig, it’s best to stick with a regular schedule. Aim for once a week or every 10 days, depending on the size of your plant and the type of container it is in.

Mackenna suggests keeping this rule of thumb in mind when watering this plant: It’s better to be underwater than over water. If you want the top 1-2 in of soil to dry out, she recommends bottom watering your fiddle.
Caring for Fiddle Leaf Fig After Repotting
When it comes to repotting your fiddle leaf fig, it’s important to be mindful of the root system. If you’ve just repotted your tree, then you may have disturbed the roots in the process. In this case, it is best not to water your fiddle leaf fig again until the top 1-2 inches of soil feels dry when tested with a finger. Additionally, you should skip fertilizing for at least one month after repotting as this can damage fragile roots that are still trying to adjust and grow.
For the first week after re-potting, it is recommended to wait before watering your fiddle leaf fig to make sure that the damaged roots have had a chance to heal.
Fertilize Your Fiddle Leaf Fig for Healthy Growth

One of the most common causes of yellow leaves on fiddle leaf figs is a lack of fertilization. If you haven’t been providing your tree with enough nutrients, its leaves will begin to turn yellow and eventually start to drop off. To avoid this from happening, make sure to feed your fiddle leaf fig with a balanced fertilizer every two weeks during the growing season (spring and summer). Additionally, if it’s wintertime and you haven’t noticed any new growth, then it’s likely that your plant needs more fertilization. It’s also important to make sure that the soil has proper drainage so that the roots don’t get suffocated by standing water. Make sure there are plenty of holes in the bottom or side of your pot for excess water to drain away quickly when watering your plant. Finally, ensure that you are giving your Fiddle Leaf Fig enough light as well as keeping its environment consistent so it can adjust easily without being exposed to sudden changes in temperature or humidity levels.
The Fiddle Leaf Fig is a beautiful, easy-care houseplant, but it comes with some unique needs that should be taken into consideration. It needs the right amount of light, water, and fertilization to thrive. Too much or too little of any of these elements can cause your Fiddle Leaf Fig to droop or have yellow leaves. It’s important to check the soil often and water only when the top 1-2 inches of soil is dry. If your Fiddle Leaf Fig is root-bound, you may need to repot it and stake it to keep it standing upright. With a little attention and care, your Fiddle Leaf Fig can remain healthy and beautiful.