Are you plagued by pesky gnats? If so, you may be wondering: What do gnats eat? Gnats feed on a variety of things, depending on the species–from plants and other insects to blood and crop pests. But don’t worry, there are a few simple and cost-effective methods you can use to get rid of them. Read on to find out how to trap gnats using liquid dish soap, hydrogen peroxide solution, fly paper, yellow sticky traps, and even a vinegar trap. Keep your indoor plants gnat-free with these easy gnat-fighting tips!
Controlling Fungus Gnats with Yellow Sticky Traps
Gnat sticks have been used for many years as a method of controlling gnats in the home. These sticky strips are designed to capture gnats that come into contact with them, allowing homeowners to identify areas where gnats are accumulating. For an even more effective solution, it is recommended that a commercially manufactured fruit fly lure or other gnat lure be placed on top of a sticky glueboard or trap. This combination can help to maximize the effectiveness of the traps and increase their chances of catching more gnats.
When it comes to controlling fungus gnats, yellow sticky traps are an ideal solution. These traps are perfect for catching fungus gnats on indoor plants and can also be used to catch aphids, leafminers, white flies, shore flies and thrips.

However, if you’re looking for a simple and cost-effective solution, the vinegar trap is your best bet. This popular method requires just a few drops of dish soap, apple cider vinegar and sugar to be mixed in a bowl. Place the bowl in areas where gnats are prevalent such as your kitchen or bathroom.

The gnats will be attracted to the scent of the vinegar and get stuck in the mixture.
Once they are caught, the gnats can be easily disposed of.
Controlling Gnats with Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide is another effective solution for controlling gnats in the home. On contact with a hydrogen peroxide solution, larvae can be killed quickly, cheaply and effectively. If you want to spray down your soil, mix four parts water with one part hydrogen peroxide and spray it over the surface of your soil. This will help to kill any gnats lurking around and keep them away from your plants. Fungus gnats may be annoying, but they’re no match for a plant parent with a plan!
One of the most popular methods for trapping gnats in plants is to use a mixture of liquid dish soap and white vinegar. Simply mix several drops of liquid dish soap with a cup of white vinegar and place it near your plant. The gnats will be drawn to this scent, and fall into the bowl. You can also try placing small pieces of potato on the surface soil near your plant. The moisture from the potatoes will draw in any gnats nearby, which can then be disposed off easily.
Gnat Egg Laying Sites and What Gnats Eat
Where do gnats lay eggs? Gnats are known to lay their eggs in damp, dark and organic-rich environments. Dirty drain lines, poorly cleaned garbage disposals and garbage cans, recycle containers, and other places where organic slime is allowed to accumulate are some of the specific egg laying sites. To prevent an infestation from occurring in your home or garden, it is important to keep these areas clean and free from debris. Additionally, removing any standing water around your property can help reduce the number of gnat larvae that are able to hatch.
Gnats are small flying insects that can be found in a variety of habitats. Depending on the species, gnats may feed on plants, other insects, or blood. What do gnats eat? Some species of gnats have an important role in pollination and feed primarily on crop pests such as aphids and scales. Other types of gnats, such as the Hessian fly, are also known to be crop pests themselves. Gnat bites may or may not occur depending on the species.
Gnats can be a nuisance for any home or garden, but with a few simple solutions, they can be eliminated. Putting drops of liquid dish soap, white vinegar, and sugar in a bowl is a great way to attract and trap gnats. Hydrogen peroxide mixed with water is another option to kill larvae. Furthermore, flypaper and yellow sticky traps can be used to capture adult gnats and identifying areas of accumulation. With these tips, controlling a gnat infestation can be done quickly and effectively.