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Maintaining a Healthy Calathea: The Importance of Water

The Calathea Network is a captivating indoor plant. Its variegated foliage adds to its charm and its low requirement for trimming makes it a breeze to maintain. However, the most important thing to remember when it comes to caring for a Calathea Network is keeping the soil moist and watering it appropriately.

How Often Should You Water a Calathea Network Plant?

Caring for indoor plants can be a challenging task, especially when it comes to watering them.

One common question that plant enthusiasts have is how often they should water their Calathea network plant.

Maintaining the right level of moisture in the soil can be tricky with Calathea network plants.

The soil needs to remain consistently moist without becoming too soggy or wet. If the top inch of soil has dried out, it’s time to give your plant a deep watering.

However, overwatering can lead to root rot and other issues. As a general rule of thumb, you should aim to water your Calathea network once every 5-8 days during the growing season.

During winter months when growth slows down, you may need to reduce watering frequency even further.