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Growing Pilea Plants: Pruning, Propagation and Pups – The Complete Guide

How to Properly Care for Your Pilea Plant

Do you have a Pilea plant? If so, you know how delightful it is to have one of these unique, round-leafed plants in your home. But do you know how to properly care for your Pilea? In this article, we’ll cover everything from watering and pruning to propagating your Pilea so that you can ensure your plant’s long and healthy life. So grab your dibber or pencil and let’s get started!

How to Properly Care for a Chinese Money Plant

Propagating a Pilea plant from a leaf cutting is possible, but not the most straightforward method. To achieve successful propagation, you should cut off a small slice of the trunk together with the leaf. Although it is still possible to root a Pilea leaf without any trunk cutting, it won’t generate new leaves.

The Chinese Money Plant, on the other hand, is much easier to propagate. The plants are not always easy to find, but once you have them in your possession they can be propagated easily through stem cuttings. Additionally, sometimes the plant will produce its own miniatures with roots already formed which can be transplanted without any difficulty.

When it comes to growing the Chinese Money Plant, it is possible to do so in just water. However, tap water should not be used as it contains chlorine which can be harmful for the plant. Instead, one should use lake or river water, boiled or RO water that has been cooled down to room temperature, or allow tap water to sit overnight before using it.

When it comes to pruning the Chinese Money Plant, a lot of the stem can be trimmed and you will see new growth very quickly. To ensure its survival, one should cut above at least a few leaves. A whole new Chinese money plant can also be started with that top.

The leaves will have the characteristic round shape and keeping them on there will create a fuller plant, or trim them off to create a new Pilea plant.

Pruning your money plant will make it look more bushier. Unless you do so, the stems will continue to trail, making them appear thinner. Money plants can grow in areas with low light, which can cause them to have sparse leaves and a non-sculpted look. Prune the leaves and stems of the Money Plant with the help of shears.

In addition to pruning, Chinese Money Plants like to be misted. Humidity is important for Pileas as they can suffer in very dry environments. Misting your plants daily can help with this and clustering them together will also create a humid environment.

When it comes to its size, the Chinese Money Plant can grow up to 12 inches tall with an equal width. This gives the plant plenty of space to grow and develop new leaves, so be sure to inspect it at maturity.

Chinese Money Plant Care

Finally, if you want your Chinese Money Plant to last its full 10-year lifespan, you will need to provide it with the proper care. This includes giving it light and making sure it is in a warm environment, as well as watering and feeding it the nutrition that it needs. With this in mind, you can be sure that your Chinese Money Plant will stay healthy and strong for many years.

It is also possible that your Chinese Money Plant will flower. These plants can produce small white flowers on pink stems if they are well looked after.

Caring for Chinese Money Plants

Chinese Money Plant propagation is a great way to start new plants without having to go through the trouble of root cuttings. In Chinese money plant propagation, you can separate the daughter plants from the mother plant and plant them elsewhere to grow new pileas. Once separated from the mother, these small plants will eventually mature and produce their own small plants with roots already formed which can be easily transplanted into soil. It is important to note that when separating these daughter plants from the mother, they should be planted as soon as possible in order for them to take root properly. The best time for this process is during spring or summer when there are plenty of nutrients available in the soil and temperatures are ideal for growth. Additionally, it’s important that you use quality potting mix for planting these young Pileas in order to give them a good start at life.

When it comes to caring for Chinese Money Plants, one of the most common issues is that their leaves can grow too large. This is because the petioles (the long stem that attaches to each leaf) are naturally long and if your plant isn’t getting enough light, this can cause them to become even longer.

If your plant is becoming crowded in its pot, it’s time to transplant it into a larger pot. When the roots circle around inside the pot, or when there are so many offsets that they’re filling the pot, it’s time to move your plant up to the next size pot.

Another important part of caring for Chinese Money Plants is to trim the leaves if they become too long. This can be done with a pair of scissors, but it’s important to be careful not to damage the roots when doing so. After trimming, water your plant and spray it with water on its leaves for better results.

It’s also possible that your Pilea is in too big of a pot, has no drainage holes, or is in too heavy of a soil. Yellow leaves on a Chinese money plant can be caused by a lack of fertilization. Any leaves that have turned yellow can be safely removed. The leaves will not return to green.

Finally, if you want to propagate your Chinese Money Plant, you can do so by carefully removing the “puppies” or baby plants from the root system of the mother plant. The root system is very delicate when cutting off a pup, so it’s important not to tug or pull on them. If done correctly, they should come right up when cut where they meet with the dirt. After separating them from their mother plant, you can either put them in water or in dirt and they’ll start establishing their own roots.

In order to keep a Chinese Money Plant healthy and thriving, it’s important that you water it properly. The soil needs to be mostly dry between waterings, with more needed in warmer weather. If the leaves start to droop, that’s a sign that the plant needs water. Additionally, you should rotate your Chinese money plant at least once a week to prevent it from becoming lopsided.

Propagating Pilea Plants: Rooting in Water vs. Taking Cuttings

When it comes to rooting a Pilea plant in water, it is a relatively simple process that can take up to 1 or 2 weeks. The plantlets should be placed in a container of water, but the leaves should not touch the water. If you notice little roots growing on the plantlets, then they are ready to be transplanted into soil for further growth and development.

Although it is possible for Pilea leaves to root in water, it is not recommended as a long-term solution. While the plant may be able to grow new leaves and roots in water, its overall growth will be limited. To ensure that your Pilea grows into a healthy, full-sized plant, soil should be used as the primary medium.

When it comes to propagating Pilea from a single leaf, the answer is not so straightforward. When a Pilea leaf falls on its own or is accidentally pulled off the stem, plant parents will often ask if they can spread the leaf. Unfortunately, this is not possible in either scenario; propagating from a single leaf requires taking cuttings from an existing stem.

While it is possible to grow a Pilea with a cutting that only has a single leaf, the roots will not be able to support the growth of new leaves.

Taking Pilea Cuttings in Spring

When should I take Pilea cuttings? It is possible to take cuttings of your Pilea at any time of year, but spring is the best time. Most of the babies are made when the plant grows the fastest. For successful propagation, it is important to use a sharp pair of scissors or pruning shears and make sure that you are cutting just below a node (where two leaves meet). This will ensure that there is enough energy stored in the stem for new roots and leaves to form. Additionally, it’s important not to leave any existing buds or flowers on your cutting as these will draw away energy from what would otherwise be used for root formation. Once you have taken your cutting, remove all but two leaves from it so that there is less water lost through evaporation and place it in some kind of container filled with either soil or water. Make sure that whatever container you choose has drainage holes at its bottom and then place it in an area where there’s partial sunlight exposure throughout most part of the day – this will help speed up rooting process significantly. Finally, once your cutting has been placed within its chosen medium (water or soil), make sure to mist them regularly while they’re establishing their roots so they don’t dry out completely – this can result in stunted growth or even death if left unchecked for too long!

The dibber or pencil can be used to make a hole in the center of the compost so that the lowest pair of leaves is above the soil surface. The compost should be firm around the cutting.


The Pilea is a delightful houseplant that can bring life to any room. It requires a bit of care, but with the right amount of light, water, and attention, the Pilea can thrive and even produce small white flowers on pink stems. The best time to take cuttings is in the spring, when the plant grows the fastest. Although it is possible to grow a Pilea from a leaf, it is not the easiest method. For successful propagation, stem cuttings need to be taken, and a small slice of the trunk needs to be included. With patience and proper care, you can have a beautiful and healthy Pilea plant in no time.