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Best Mower for Zoysia Grass

Zoysia Mowing Essentials

When it comes to mowing Zoysia grass, there are a few options to consider. Both reel and rotary mowers can be used, but it is often recommended to use a reel mower for a cleaner cut. Additionally, heavier mowers tend to perform better with Zoysia, so it is important to choose a mower that is able to handle the weight of this grass.

Mower TypeRecommended for Zoysia
Reel MowerYes
Rotary MowerNo

In terms of budget, a good mower for Zoysia grass can cost around $3,000, though it is possible to spend more. Used greens mowers from golf auctions and newer consumer-grade reel mowers like the Swardman are popular options.

In terms of frequency, Zoysia grass should ideally be mowed 2 to 3 times per week with a sharp blade to maintain a height of approximately 1 to 1.5 inches. It is important to avoid cutting the grass too short, as this can cause stress to the plant. It is also recommended to scalp the lawn in early spring and avoid overdoing nitrogen for the best results.

Reel vs. Rotary Mowers

While not absolutely necessary, a reel mower is often recommended for Zoysia grass, especially if you want to maintain a lower height of cut and achieve a finer finish. A reel mower will provide a cleaner cut and is better suited for this type of grass. However, a rotary mower can also be used if a reel mower is not available.

Mower TypeSuitable for Zoysia Grass
Reel MowerYes
Rotary MowerYes

Rotary mowers are a more common type of mower and can still be used on Zoysia grass. They will provide a slightly higher cut than a reel mower, but if you don’t mind a slightly longer grass length, a rotary mower will still do the job.

Types of Mowers:

  • Rotary mower
  • Reel mower